Thursday, October 25, 2007

Heineken 'DraftKeg': The Most Sexist Beer Commerical Ever Produced?

I watched the Heineken commercial several times. I can see why it could upset some, but I can also see the other side. I believe this commercial was sexist, but not the most sexist commercial I have ever seen. The reason I believe this is because the woman in the commercial was a robot. Beer ads seem so much worse when actual woman are in them. They are usually dressed – or I should say they are usually close to not being dressed; their clothes are revealing and targeted at making men desire them. The most sexist and degrading ads I have seen for alcohol are the “Absolut Vodka” ads. You can usually find these ads in Maxim , Cosmo, etc.

I looked up some “Absolut Vodka” ads on the internet to refresh my memory. In one of the ads, a woman was dressed in a barely-there bathing suit, and a man, wearing a tuxedo, was holding a bottle of vodka and standing above her. His legs were apart so if the woman looked up, her view would be in between his legs. I thought this was very degrading because the man’s posture suggests that he rules her and is above her. All of the "Absolut Vodka" ads I have seen are similar to this. They suggest men are superior to women.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Jacquielynn Floyd

It was nice to see that Jacquielynn Floyd did admit the media has wrong perceptions sometimes. The media likes to hype up stories so that the public gets drawn to them. This makes the media and television channels money because the more viewers they have, the more money their station makes. Sarah Walker was a well-known real estate agent that was stabbed to death on July 8, 2006. The media was all over this case and were pointing fingers at her loved ones. They believed the murderer had to be someone that was close to her. We now know that the murderer was just a stranger that robbed her and killed her, so she would not be available as a witness. The media was wrong all along, which Jacquielynn Floyd admits to. The media should focus on all crimes and not glorify and focus on one in particular. It bothers me that some cases get a lot of coverage, and more gruesome crimes get little coverage. The media chooses which case will get the most attention from its viewers and decides to cover that story, which gets really annoying. For example, OJ Simpson is on every news channel I turn on. I am so sick of hearing about him when there are so many other things the media should be talking about!

Friday, October 12, 2007

School gunman: Asa Coon

It is really tragic to read about another school shooting that was not prevented. It seems like the school did not do enough to stop this crime. Students claim that they wanted to talk to the principal about Asa Coon, the shooter, but there was never “enough time.” Students and teachers are wounded and hurt by this. Asa Coon shot at students and teachers, then killed himself. Race was brought into this article near the end of the story.

“Asa Coon, who is white, stood out in a school that is 85 percent black for wearing a black trench coat, black boots, a dog collar, chains and a glove. No one has suggested race played a role in the attack.” The reporter says no one has suggested race played a role in the attack, but he just stated two races in the sentence before that. I believe this article suggests that black people cause violence and trouble. Since the reporter said that Asa stood out, it makes it seem like the black people made fun of him or tormented him. Im glad this story was put out though because it shows that white people commit crimes, just like any other race.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Carol Gotbaum's tragic death

As I was beginning to blog on the topic of “latinos”, I came across a different story that I wanted to blog about. The article was called, Police release video of airport arrest. “See how cops handled woman.” Carol Gotbaum was not able to board her flight in the Phoenix airport, and therefore, started yelling, screaming, and causing a scene. Cops arrested her for disorderly conduct. I watched the video of the officers trying to arrest her, but she was resisting arrest. I think the media used gender to pull readers into this story. I inferred this from the title of the article. Even though the article sounds like it is going to be on the woman’s side, it wasn’t really. The officers left Carol in a holding cell alone for 6 to 8 minutes, which is allowed by the law. While she was in the holding cell, she somehow commited suicide. I do not believe it was the officer’s faults because they did not know she was going to be suicidal. Later, it was found out that Carol was on her way to an alcohol rehab program. Also, her husband stated that he was upset with how things happened and that he felt his wife could be suicidal. In my opinion, Carol's husband should have gone with her to drop her off at the rehab facility if he knew she had a past of alcohol and suicidal thoughts.